Operator, I need an exit.

From Trans World Express
Revision as of 08:59, 11 February 2025 by Hexateuf (talk | contribs)

This is an information resource for trans folks considering emigrating from the US to another country. Its primary audience are US citizens with the means to relocate on their own.

Please treat this wiki as a starting point for your own research, not as an authoritative source of truth or as legal advice.

Many of the authors have got through the process and want to share what they have learned in the process.


Opening Opportunities, safe connections to multiple countries.

Our mission is to help trans and other people leave the US in those current days.

Visa and immigration information

There is also an emerging section about Digital Nomad Visas as an emergency-option.

We are still looking for information on more countries. These have been mentioned on social media as being interesting targets, so if you have something to contribute for them, please contact us:

Emergency / Fleeing US

Relocating a business or NGO

How you can help

How help whether you are trans or an ally.

  • How to help if you're in a destination country
  • How to help if you're in the United States

For now, reach out to us if you want to help add information to this site.

Contact us